Zero Foodprint Asia (ZFPA) is a registered charitable organization in Hong Kong mobilizing the food world around agricultural climate solutions. ZFPA crowd funds from member food businesses such as restaurants, cafes, bars and food retailers to help smallholder farmers adopt regenerative farming practices in the region.
Asia grows the largest volume of commodity food in the world (including sugar cane, as well as 90% of the world’s rice), and at the same time, the region is losing more arable land to industrial chemicals than we can afford. Protecting and restoring our soils is critical to ensure a food secure future for everyone.

Help us turn every acreage of degraded farmland into regenerative abundance
Restaurants can improve the grid of food.
But sourcing well alone is not enough.
Service excellence is the hallmark of Asian hospitality. And as restaurants strive to provide the highest quality products to dazzle customers, all of it comes at an enormous environmental and social cost.
Zero Foodprint Asia employs a table-to-farm approach that helps the food system rapidly transition to the sustainable management and regeneration of our planet’s ecosystems. Together, we're making climate action part of the new business as usual.
ZFPA's Restore Fund helps finance smallholder farmers in disseminating knowledge on agro-ecological practices; build soil microorganism, increase local biodiversity, improve resiliency, grow better food and sequester bad carbon from the atmosphere to combat climate change. A win-win-win for all.

Smallholder farmers are at
the heart of this movement.
And you can help too.
Industrial agriculture is currently subsidized, whereas regenerative organic farming is NOT. In order to change this, we must work to incentivize the good kind of farming and make the bad kind of farming obsolete. ZFPA’s Restore Fund is pivotal as it allows regional farmers the access to financial and technical support which adequately equips and empowers communities to protect, conserve and restore our farmlands -- a first step in our collective fight towards climate mitigation, adaptation, and climate justice.
Read up on our promising project updates and the farmer grantees themselves!