ZFP International

We're in this together!
We're creating change on a large scale, not only in Hong Kong but across Asia, all over the United States, Germany, and the Nordic countries with Liechtenstein, Austria, and Switzerland joining us in 2022. Check them out and should you be in the area, show your support by eating/purchasing from our international partners establishments!

Zero Foodprint HQ
Anthony Myint and Karen Leibowitz, award-winning restaurateurs, renowned chefs, authors, food consultants and winners of the James Beard 2020 Humanitarian of the Year award, developed Zero Foodprint in 2015.

Zero Foodprint Nordic
ZFP Nordics launched at Amass Copenhagen in May 2021. Executive Director Cindie Christiansen's heart beats for delicious responsible food and she will move mountains to further that agenda.

Zero Foodprint Germany
ZFP's latest branch got rooted in Lüneburg, Germany in the summer of 2021. Motivated to regenerate the German soil, "wir machen Boden gut" they're off to a great start with 4 partner restaurants.