The “Adopt a Farm” Program is designed by Zero Foodprint Asia to connect Hong Kong restaurants/chef’s with local farms/farmers. To further uphold our vision in engaging the entire food system, this initiative aims to facilitate a mutual exchange of knowledge, promote buying and eating locally as well as sustainably and finally, contribute to supporting and improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers.
"Crops to Shops" spun out as a local table-to-farm sourcing initiative designed as an interim program to help HK farmers deal with the shortened fall-winter harvest. As a way to support farmers in bringing produces to the local market, ZFPA partnered with Hong Kong Farmers' Pride (HKFP) and their network of rigorous, experienced organic farmers link with the wider restaurant community. Between Dec 2021 to May 2022, approximately 1400kg of local organic produces were delivered direct from 7 farms to across 15 restaurants.
AAF values:
Uplifting farmers' dignity and allow for more storytelling and knowledge sharing behind the farm gate: the challenges and limitations they face, and demonstrate how climate change is impacting our growing seasons
Encouragement of chefs and farmers to communicate and collaborate together in ways such as: shortening the supply chain, designing of seasonal harvest dinners, farmers’ markets, festive food boxes, etc.
Inspiring chefs' participation and to take accountability in the sourcing and seasonal menu design process.
* Zero Foodprint Asia’s intent with this program is solely to connect chefs to farmers and to encourage local production and consumption and are not involved in any monetary transactions or negotiations.