Organic Farmula
Organic Farmula aims to help the community build a healthy lifestyle by growing all-natural, chemical free and local produce by also offering hands-on experience for the public. Kelvis hopes to continue the mission with regenerative measures to witness the return of her soil’s “vitality” and resistance to extreme weather.

Farmer Applicant: Kelvis Keung Yi Ting
Location: Kam Tin, Hong Kong
Farm Size: 10 DC / 72,600 sq.ft / 1.65 acres
Produce Grown: Most leafy vegetables (including salad leaves), potato, watermelon, sweet potato, cucumber, bitter gourd, fuzzy gourd, eggplant, corn, okra, green beans, string beans, taro, jicama, ginger, spring onion, tomato, cherry tomatoes strawberry, honeydew, herbs, fruit trees
Regenerative Practices to Implement:
Compost application, cover crop, mulching, nutrient management., conservation crop rotation, alley cropping, herbaceous wind barrier
Project Period: October 2023 - September 2024
Carbon Sequestration Potential: 4T CO2